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, لديك: 378 مساهمة .
آخر زيارة لك كانت في : الخميس يناير 01, 1970 .
الرئيسيةصـــفحة قرأنيةالمنشوراتأحدث الصوردخولالتسجيل
طلاب البكالوريا شعبة اداب و فلسفة كل حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي موجودة هنا  Fb110


 طلاب البكالوريا شعبة اداب و فلسفة كل حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي موجودة هنا

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
ابــن الاسلام
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إدارة المنتدى
ابــن الاسلام

الجنس : ذكر السٌّمعَة السٌّمعَة : 101 الْمَشِارَكِات الْمَشِارَكِات : 12744 النقاط/ النقاط/ : 22644 العـمــر العـمــر : 33 الدولة : طلاب البكالوريا شعبة اداب و فلسفة كل حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي موجودة هنا  Jazaer10 المتصفح : طلاب البكالوريا شعبة اداب و فلسفة كل حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي موجودة هنا  Fmfire10

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مُساهمةموضوع: طلاب البكالوريا شعبة اداب و فلسفة كل حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي موجودة هنا    طلاب البكالوريا شعبة اداب و فلسفة كل حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي موجودة هنا  Emptyالأربعاء مارس 23, 2011 4:36 pm

The People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria

Ministry of National Education

خاص بكتاب الانجليزية





The National Authority for School Publications



ERRATA ………………………………………………………… 04


ANSWER KEY: UNIT 1 ………………..………………..…….. 22

ANSWER KEY: UNIT 2 ……………………………………….. 42

ANSWER KEY: UNIT 3 ………………………………………..55

ANSWER KEY: UNIT 4 ……………………………………….. 69

ANSWER KEY: UNIT 5 ……………………………………….. 82

ANSWER KEY: UNIT 6 ……………………………………….. 98

<H2 style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; TEXT-INDENT: 0cm; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt
18pt; mso-list: none; tab-stops: 35.4pt" align=center>ERRATA IN
Due to technical problems beyond our control and the tight publication
deadline, a number of errors have inadvertently slipped into some of
the texts of the coursebook.

p.23 Read Africana the Encyclopedia of the African and African American Experience instead of The Encyclopedia of Africana.
p.24 Read it exerted instead of it exert, and on the Numidians instead of on that of the Numedians.
p.25 Read the sentences that express concession and time instead of sentences that express time and concession.
p.30 Read Polyphemus, the Cyclops.
p.49 Read You think that the government… instead of You think that government…
p.50 Read guilty instead of gulity, in some of the departments, instead
of in some of the department, Which is the odd one out? instead of
Which is the Odd one? and sweetener instead of sweetner.
p.52 Read Then as a group, review … instead of Then as, a group, review, …
p.57 Read who say that counterfeiting is … instead of who say
counterfeinting is…
p.58 Read from the least to the most important instead of from
the list to the most important.
p.74 Read Designing an educational prospectus instead of
Designing an educational prospesctus.
p.75 Read training for citizenship instead of creating good citizens.
p.77 Read enrolment instead of enrollment.
p.80 Read from age five to age sixteen instead of from age five to age eleven.
p.81 Read I wish my parents would accept my choice instead of I wish my parents would accept .
p.85 Read students’ characters instead of student’s character.
p.87 Read it provides the minimum (train) … for (function) instead of it provides the minimum (train) …for function.
p.90 Read write your draft letter. Delete the rest.
p.91 Read There should be one only instead of There should only be one only.
p.92 Read homepage instead of home page.
p.94 Read leave out and not leave.
p.110 Read when they do their shopping instead of when they do the shopping.
p.111 Read commerce (n.) rather than commerce (v.).
p.112 Read the number of shopaholics instead of the number shopaholics.
p.113 Read An insufficient amount of food instead of a very small
amount of food,and encounter a financial problem instead of meet a
financial problem.
p.118 Read shoppers/sellers instead of buyers/sellers.
p.119 Read could you get me some flour? instead of could you get some
flour and the main stress in each of the sentences instead of the main
stress in the sentences.
p.122 Read Civil Protection officer instead of Civil Protection Officer.
p.124 Read James is for advertising whereas Jenny is against it instead of Jenny is for advertising whereas James is against it.
p.125 Read beneficial to them instead of beneficial for, and delete
but in Though ___________.But ________ .
p.147 Read Well, because now I am understanding astronomy instead of Well, it is because now I am understanding that astronomy.
p.161 Read it is true but… instead of it is true that but.
p.169 Read makes them softer instead of makes it softer.
p.174 Read they prefer to cry rather than retain their tears instead of they prefer to cry than retain their tears.
p.176 Read What form are the verbs which follow rather and it is
better? instead of What form are the verbs which follow rather and
p.181 Read with the feelings on the left instead of with the feelings left.
p.185 Read agree with the author’s opinion about the way of making
friends instead of agree with the author’s opinion about how the ideal
way of making friends.
p.187 Read which part of the public statement was irrelevant? instead
of which part of the public statement is irrelevant? and Stay focused
on the act of writing and on the topic until the time is up instead of
Stay focused on the act of writing and the topic until the time is up.
p.188 Read Predicting the content of the body of a text instead of Predicting the content of a body of text.
p.191 Read What makes you smile or laugh? instead of What makes you smile or laugh in this famous story
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
ابــن الاسلام
إدارة المنتدى
إدارة المنتدى
ابــن الاسلام

الجنس : ذكر السٌّمعَة السٌّمعَة : 101 الْمَشِارَكِات الْمَشِارَكِات : 12744 النقاط/ النقاط/ : 22644 العـمــر العـمــر : 33 الدولة : طلاب البكالوريا شعبة اداب و فلسفة كل حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي موجودة هنا  Jazaer10 المتصفح : طلاب البكالوريا شعبة اداب و فلسفة كل حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي موجودة هنا  Fmfire10

طلاب البكالوريا شعبة اداب و فلسفة كل حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي موجودة هنا  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: طلاب البكالوريا شعبة اداب و فلسفة كل حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي موجودة هنا    طلاب البكالوريا شعبة اداب و فلسفة كل حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي موجودة هنا  Emptyالأربعاء مارس 23, 2011 4:37 pm

Read Study the following interpretations of the story. Then… instead of
Study the following interpretations of the story that you have read
p.197 Read the foundations of civilization were first laid by farmers
instead of the foundations of civilization were laid by the first
p.199 Read And I must add instead of and I must add.
p.200 Read conforming instead of confirming.
p.202 Read Dozens of them are hovering… instead of Dozens of them
hovering , and she attended a chemistry course instead of she has
attended a chemistry course.
p.203 Read passed or elapsed instead of passed by.
p.207 Read What we do in our laboratory is try to … instead of What we do in our laboratory is trying to… .
p.208 Read I remember teaching her when she was a little girl instead of I remember seeing her when she was a little girl.
p.218 Read harder instead of hard, and a wish instead of wish.
p.225 Read I propose Miss Ford should be appointed secretary of the committee.
p.231 Read we use inverted commas/ quotation marks instead of we use quotation marks, Neil instead of Nel, and “that’s
p.240 Put a full stop after astronomy.
p.243 Read the Romans’ civilizing of ‘barbarous’ Britain instead of the Romans’ civilizing of the ‘barbarous’ Britain.
p.255 Read shelves instead of sheflves, and omit of these products in each.
p.256 Read who have bought something that instead of who have bought something that that.
p.259 Read eating instead of earting;
p.264 Read many listeners tuned in instead of many listeners turned in.
p.267Read Sport and Friendship Among Peoples instead of Sport and Friendship Between Peoples.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
ابــن الاسلام
إدارة المنتدى
إدارة المنتدى
ابــن الاسلام

الجنس : ذكر السٌّمعَة السٌّمعَة : 101 الْمَشِارَكِات الْمَشِارَكِات : 12744 النقاط/ النقاط/ : 22644 العـمــر العـمــر : 33 الدولة : طلاب البكالوريا شعبة اداب و فلسفة كل حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي موجودة هنا  Jazaer10 المتصفح : طلاب البكالوريا شعبة اداب و فلسفة كل حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي موجودة هنا  Fmfire10

طلاب البكالوريا شعبة اداب و فلسفة كل حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي موجودة هنا  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: طلاب البكالوريا شعبة اداب و فلسفة كل حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي موجودة هنا    طلاب البكالوريا شعبة اداب و فلسفة كل حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي موجودة هنا  Emptyالأربعاء مارس 23, 2011 4:38 pm

Key features of the coursebook

I. Pedagogical principles

New Prospects is the last of a series of three coursebooks designed for
the teaching of English to secondary school students. As one would
expect, the procedures followed here are similar to those adopted for
the making of the first two books. They comply with the recommendations
issued in the official syllabus set down by the Ministry of National
Education (2006). Its main principles rest on communicative language
teaching, which engages learners in real and meaningful communication.
By real, we mean that the learners are given opportunities to process
content relating to their lives and backgrounds, and to develop both
fluency and accuracy.
In this coursebook, we view language learning as a developmental
process through which the learners make errors as a natural part of
that process, and self-correct. We also regard the mastery of grammar
as the cornerstone of a good command of English. This is the reason why
we have deliberately foregrounded it in this book. This being said, we
haven’t made of it an end in itself, but a means to an end particularly
through a constant ‘translatating’ of grammar rules into language
functions, thus ensuring the learners’ competencies.
New prospects provides a large number of effective learning tasks
through which students are brought to notice, reflect and analyse how
English is used. The tasks devised provide ample opportunities for
learners to interact in the classroom and negotiate meaning. Most of
these tasks involve the use of ‘discovery learning’ (inductive
learning), and are intended to enhance individual learning as well as
learning with peers.
These tasks are devised in such a way as to encourage students to use
more complex utterances, more fluently and more accurately than in
previous years of education. The cumulative effect of the diversity of
tasks will enable students to gradually automatize their knowledge and
recall the language acquired with greater control and ease during
production. It is naturally up to the teacher to opt for the most
appropriate tasks, in accordance with the needs of the classroom(s),
i.e. whether the emphasis should be more on vocabulary building and on
grammatical structures, or on reading and writing skills.
In this pursuit, there will be necessary returns to previously studied
aspects of language, to skills and strategies approached during the
first and second years. Teachers will expect their students to revise,
practise and consolidate their knowledge in so doing. On the other
hand, the present coursebook, with its six thematically based units,
will be geared to raising more awareness of the complexities of the
English language in terms of lexis and discourse. Thus the texts
selected present language in different types and styles: radio
interviews, dialogues, news reports, encyclopedia entries, newspaper
and magazine articles, excerpts from works of fiction, poems, etc. The
students will thus be preparred to interact with various language
situations they will encounter in real life.

II. Organisation of the coursebook

New Prospects progressively develops in students the three competencies
of interaction, interpretation and production that cover all areas of
language (syntax, morphology, vocabulary, pronunciation, spelling)
through six graded units. In addition, the graded tasks are of the type
to be found in the English paper of the Baccalauréat examination, and
thus provide the students with a gradual familiarisation with the
examination requirements for English. The different task types will be
dealt with subsequently.
- Each unit in New Prospects includes the presentation and practice of
grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation/spelling with the four skills.
This practice is related to the theme discussed in the unit.
- Each unit is followed by an evaluation grid to check on the learner’s
progress. It reviews students’ knowledge of the language items
presented in the unit and tests their ability to use the skills and
strategies through reading passages/texts that appear at the end of the
- At the end of New Prospects, we have included the following items:
a. Listening scripts
The listening scripts for all listening tasks in the units can be used by the students in class to correct their own work.

b. Grammar reference
This is a rubric to which students are referred throughout the book.
They should use it for revision and for checking when they are not
clear on a grammar point. Checking grammar for themselves will foster
autonomy and will make it easier for them to keep on learning after
c. Resources portfolio
This section aims at making learners maximise their language learning
experience. Working through the texts and the activities that follow
will help students to consolidate the language and skills presented in
the coursebook. The resources portfolio contains a number of texts
which correspond thematically to the texts in the units and present
topic-related reading tasks for both skimming and scanning purposes.
The portfolio can be used in class as a means to providing immediate
follow-up work for language practice, skills and strategies.

III. Unit description

This coursebook caters to the needs of the major Baccalauréat streams.
We have tried to strike a balance between topics related to science and
technology and others related to language and humanities. In each of
the six units, we focus on an area of knowledge whichdevelops a
specific use of English. New Prospects is designed in such a way that
each stream of students preparing their Baccalauréat will be able to
choose (with their inspector/teacher) the four mandatory units which
will be more directly related to their field, which means that the
students needn’t work on all six units. The themes in the coursebook
are as follows:
A. Ancient civilizations
B. Ethics in business
C. Education in the world: comparing educational systems
D. Advertising, consumers and safety
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ابــن الاسلام
إدارة المنتدى
إدارة المنتدى
ابــن الاسلام

الجنس : ذكر السٌّمعَة السٌّمعَة : 101 الْمَشِارَكِات الْمَشِارَكِات : 12744 النقاط/ النقاط/ : 22644 العـمــر العـمــر : 33 الدولة : طلاب البكالوريا شعبة اداب و فلسفة كل حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي موجودة هنا  Jazaer10 المتصفح : طلاب البكالوريا شعبة اداب و فلسفة كل حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي موجودة هنا  Fmfire10

طلاب البكالوريا شعبة اداب و فلسفة كل حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي موجودة هنا  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: طلاب البكالوريا شعبة اداب و فلسفة كل حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي موجودة هنا    طلاب البكالوريا شعبة اداب و فلسفة كل حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي موجودة هنا  Emptyالأربعاء مارس 23, 2011 4:40 pm

E. Astronomy and the solar system
F. Feelings and emotions
Each unit is structured as follows:
q Presentation of the project outcome ;
qTwo parts: Each part contains two sequences subdivided into rubrics;
q Take a break, a section wherein students are invited to relax to better start the second part;
q Research and report, a section in which students individually or in
groups will start re-investing what they have learnt in the first part.
It provides a training ground for the project proper;
q Project outcome
q Asssessment
q Time for…

In Part One the sequences are as follows:
1. Listen and consider
2. Read and consider
These two sequences are patterned in a more or less similar way, and contain the following rubrics:
q Language outcomes states the linguistic objectives
q Getting started
q Let’s hear it (for the Listen-and-consider sequence)
q Taking a closer look (for the Read-and-consider sequence)
qAround the text (This rubric comprises grammar and vocabulary
tasks preceded by grammar explorers and vocabulary explorers.)
q Pronunciation and spelling
q Think, pair, share
Part Two contains two other sequences:
3. Listening and speaking
4. Reading and writing
These two sequences are also patterned in a more or less similar way, and are subdivided into the following rubrics:

q Skills and strategies outcomes (which states the communicative
q Before listening (or before reading)
q As you listen (or as you read)
q After listening (or reading)
q Say it in writing ( or writing development)
Part Two ends with the project outcome announced at the beginning of
each and every unit and signposted at strategic points of the unit.
Apart for offering guidelines about how to concretise the assigned
project, it offers project alternatives and useful web sites.
The project outcome is followed by an Assessment section. It is devoted
to language and skills and strategies assessment. Having seen how each
part is planned, let us now consider how each of the two sequences is

IV. Sequence description

Sequence One (Listen and consider)
As announced above Listen and consider begins with Language outcomes,
which involves no task but is a preview of the language objectives to
be achieved by the end of the sequence. Thus grammatical structures,
vocabulary items, idioms and features of pronunciation such as word and
sentence stress, are meant to be understood and used, and also being
assessed in the Assessment section of Part Two at the end of the unit.
This first sequence deals with listening comprehension. Its purpose is
to lead the students to listen intently to an aural message/text,
paying particular attention to features of language use described in
the Language outcome preview. It will also make the students respond to
the message orally or in writing. This type of focused listening
(followed by a response) is meant to help the student develop an
ability to listen for a purpose (understanding the gist of the text or
the details). It is also to help him respond to an aural message orally
or in writing with accuracy and appropriateness (for example, answering
comprehension questions, re-ordering sentences, etc).
This listening task is realised in a two-step procedure: Getting
started and Let’s hear it. The student will first look at the thematic
pictures, discuss the topic with peers and answer the related
comprehension questions. This activity is meant to access and activate
her/his background knowledge of the topic and prepare her/him for the
next listening phase, Let’s hear it, for which a number of
exercises/tasks (Listen + re-order, listen + answer questions, etc.)
are provided. E.g. Listen + re-order: the teacher reads the text while
the students try to remember and re-order jumbled-up sentences. Listen
and answer questions (orally or in writing) The students listen again
to the whole text as it is read by the teacher and answer comprehension
Around the text exploits the same text for language work and focuses on
its grammatical and lexical content. Here the students are requested to
look at language with a magnifying glass, as it were, and to focus on
specific features of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and spelling.
A variety of tasks have been provided in this connection. These tasks
are typically intended for matching statements, identifying the
functions of words, reflecting on word order and morphology, using
content and function words correctly, filling gaps with appropriate
Pronunciation and spelling is a rubric which is devised to increase the
student’s understanding of the sound-spelling relationships that
characterise English. We are not expecting students to become
phoneticians or linguists, but simply aiming to ‘train their ears’ to
be more perceptive apropos the subtleties of English pronunciation,
stress and intonation. Spelling is a goal still worth pursuing at this
final level of secondary education. The more acute the reception of an
auditory message, the better its interpretation; likewise, the more
intelligible the pronunciation the more effective the transmission of
the message.
Communication in a foreign language relies crucially on a good
listening ability. Discriminating between sounds in various utterances
is the ultimate stage of compretence before performance. Therefore,
tasks such as ‘listen for stress’ and ‘listen for syllable division’
are provided to this end.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
ابــن الاسلام
إدارة المنتدى
إدارة المنتدى
ابــن الاسلام

الجنس : ذكر السٌّمعَة السٌّمعَة : 101 الْمَشِارَكِات الْمَشِارَكِات : 12744 النقاط/ النقاط/ : 22644 العـمــر العـمــر : 33 الدولة : طلاب البكالوريا شعبة اداب و فلسفة كل حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي موجودة هنا  Jazaer10 المتصفح : طلاب البكالوريا شعبة اداب و فلسفة كل حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي موجودة هنا  Fmfire10

طلاب البكالوريا شعبة اداب و فلسفة كل حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي موجودة هنا  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: طلاب البكالوريا شعبة اداب و فلسفة كل حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي موجودة هنا    طلاب البكالوريا شعبة اداب و فلسفة كل حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي موجودة هنا  Emptyالأربعاء مارس 23, 2011 4:40 pm

In the last rubric, Think,
pair, share, the students will work individually, then in pairs, and
lastly with other peers in a group.
The think, pair, share tasks call for an interaction with other
students and their teacher, and each student will produce a piece of
writing: a dialogue, a short article, a description, a narration, a
poem, etc. This will be presented orally to the class.
Sequence Two of the unit is Read and consider.
This sequence includes six rubrics, just like the previous one. We have
paid particular attention to the development of the reading skill, one
of the most demanding achievements not only for this final year of
English study at school, but also for future studies at university. To
this effect, we have included a large number of additional material for
extensive reading in the resources portfolio.
The first rubric is Language outcomes. Just as in section 1, this
rubric contains no tasks but reminds the student of the linguistic
objectives to be achieved by the end of the section. These language
outcomes can also be assessed in the assessment rubric at the end of
the unit.
The second rubric, Getting started, invites a brainstorming session
during which the topic under focus is debated; by the same token the
students background knowledge is activated when some aspects of
language are previewed (vocabulary, language structures, etc).
Through this pre-reading activity, the students will build schematic knowledge necessary to understand the text.
The third rubric, Taking a closer look, involves reading the text
silently and individually, and answering comprehension questions. They
may be referential or inferential questions, or they may open up a
discussion on comparing native situations with non-native ones. This
rubric involves not only looking at its content, but also at its form.
Two types of exploring activites are provided stemming from the text
studied in the Around the text rubric: Grammar explorer and Vocabulary
explorer. Grammar explorer comprises up to three levels of activities
(I, II, III) of graded difficulty, and its main purpose is to study the
grammar of the text: the students will be involved in awareness-raising
activities related to tenses, prepositional verbs, etc. They will also
be given an opportunity to produce messages in correct English. These
accuracy-based activities end with a production task which is also
meant to focus the learner’s attention on grammatical correctness.
Vocabulary explorer (I, II, III,…) caters for the student’s vocabulary
building skills, and deals with word formation, the practice of
idiomatic formulae, etc.
The fourth rubric, Pronunciation and spelling also deals with
language-related tasks, specifically pointing to the phoneme-grapheme
correspondence in English. The student’s attention is drawn here to the
discrepancies existing between the pronunciation system and the
spelling system in English. The students are invited to note down these
while the teacher is reading the text aloud.
The fifth rubric, Think, pair, share, focuses on individual work, pair
work and group work, and generates interaction between group members.
The teacher will act as a facilitator and guide intervening in the
class when necessary.
Take a break brings to an end the Read-and- consider sequence. It
brings a lighter note to the activities carried out up to this point by
introducing light jokes, proverbs, songs, etc. An intercultural
dimension is added to this rubric, as a means to pointing to other
people’s experiences in their own milieus. This is a moment for
students to relax before moving on to the next sequence.
Research and report deals mainly with learners’ outcomes i.e.,
behavioural outcomes. The tasks are assigned to students to work on
(individually, in pairs, or in groups) outside the classroom, either
for feedback to a subsequent lesson, or lead-in to a classroom
activity. A number of written/oral tasks are suggested: newspaper
articles, short stories poems, speeches, public statements on a
specific topic, etc. Just like Think, pair, share, the Research and
report section encourages interaction/negotiation of meaning, and it is
a good preparation for the final major task, i.e. the project.

Sequence Three
Listening and speaking includes four main rubrics. The first one Skills
and strategies outcomes is a preview of the communicative objectives to
be achieved by the students.
In this rubric, a number of receptive strategies are activated. They
should be the focus of the students’ attention throughout the second
sequence. Indeed now we are moving from language-based study to
discourse-oriented learning, and the student is accordingly requested
to move from language analysis to discourse analysis. In this sequence,
the aim is to ‘unlock’, or ‘unpack’ texts to look into relations of
cohesion and coherence, at lexical chains, etc. It is the examination
of the logical relations between sentences in a text that will make
students discover the connotative import of discourse (E.g. mood, tone)
and trace ‘underside meanings’.
Before listening is a rubric that prepares the students for the
understanding of an aural text through pre-listening activities, and
thus allow her/him to predict content through a set of questions. These
activities prepare for note taking as well.
As you listen is a rubric which includes activities requesting learners
to listen for gist, for detail, and to check their
expectations/inferences, confirm them or reject them.
After listening is a post-listening stage which involves activities of
a more intensive nature. Unlike pre-listening activities which focus on
top-down thinking through prediction of content (from a picture, for
example), post-listening activities deal with bottom-up listening and
help students to give shape and significance to the texts. Thus, they
can construct a plan from notes and summarize the content. After
listening activities, other skills such as speaking, reading and
writing can be practised.
Saying it in writing
This is the natural follow-up of the previous, receptive stage, as it
allows learners to build confidence through the production of material
related to the listening content. This rubric prepares the students for
the next section Reading and writing, a stage that follows logically
from this one.
Sequence Four
The Reading and writing sequences start with Skills and strategies
outcomes, a rubric which defines the objectives to be achieved by the
students (linguistic, communicative, cognitive), and the levels of
reception and production of a message expected.
Before reading, As you Read, and After reading focus on the students’
use of their skimming and scanning skills to make sense of authentic
and semi-authentic materials. The students will first activate their
pre-existing knowledge to make predictions about the topic. In many
cases, they will also be required to identify the structure of the
text, to infer meaning and to pinpoiint inferences from context and
follow up abstract ideas.
Writing development: This is the last skills rubric in which the
students will have opportunity to express opinions, give reasons,
present arguments: they will have now sufficient vocabulary and
grammatical command as well as the required skills and stragegies to do
the writing tasks. Here, the students will demonstrate their sense of
organisation, cohesion and coherence, and will draw on appropriate
registers to communicate their main message.
The writing activities that we have suggested reflect real-life tasks,
such as writing simple reports, brief articles, formal and informal
letters, etc. Let us focus now on the ultimate learning-and-doing
outcome, namely the project.
IV. About the project
As said in the foreword to the Student’s Book, ‘the project designing
procedure runs in parallel with the unfolding of the unit’. It is the
visible and assessable manifestation of the students’ competencies,
i.e. the end result of their command of language and of the skills and
strategies they have acquired throughout the unit.
The project is signalled seven times in the unit: at the top of the
first page, five times throughout the unit (Brainstorming - Fact
finding – Organising - Writing up – Assessing) and a seventh time – in
a more
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
ابــن الاسلام
إدارة المنتدى
إدارة المنتدى
ابــن الاسلام

الجنس : ذكر السٌّمعَة السٌّمعَة : 101 الْمَشِارَكِات الْمَشِارَكِات : 12744 النقاط/ النقاط/ : 22644 العـمــر العـمــر : 33 الدولة : طلاب البكالوريا شعبة اداب و فلسفة كل حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي موجودة هنا  Jazaer10 المتصفح : طلاب البكالوريا شعبة اداب و فلسفة كل حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي موجودة هنا  Fmfire10

طلاب البكالوريا شعبة اداب و فلسفة كل حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي موجودة هنا  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: طلاب البكالوريا شعبة اداب و فلسفة كل حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي موجودة هنا    طلاب البكالوريا شعبة اداب و فلسفة كل حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي موجودة هنا  Emptyالأربعاء مارس 23, 2011 4:44 pm

way, towards the end of the unit. These are flash-points, so to speak,
designed to chart the students’ progress in giving shape and
consistency to their project. This charting should take the form of
monitoring sessions (twenty minutes at the end of a class meeting)
during which the students will discuss and sort out the ways and means
that apply to their project. The follow-up between two sessions is
assumed to be done by the students, as a group, outside the classroom.
BRAINSTORMING is the first of such sessions, with the teacher acting as
facilitator. The aim is to get the students to envisage and agree on
the tasks involved, the possible sources of information and the format
and content of the end product.
Most of the activities at this stage take place outside the classroom.
The students enquire about where and how they will get the information
they need (the Internet, a survey, an interview?…) and about the
equipment they may want to use (cassette recorder, picture camera,
drawings?…) as well as the places (a museum, a business company?…) they
may have to visit. They may not have to meet in class at all.
This is where the feedback of the students is made use of in a rational
and efficient way. Divide the class into groups (5 studens per group to
the maximum). Get each group to appoint a spokesperson who will make
the final report to the class at the end of the project. Get all groups
to agree on the tasks assigned to each of them. Otherwise leave it for
each group to decide who does what and in what sequence. All the
ensueing work will be done outside the class, or even outside the
This activity will preferably take place between school hours provided
each group manages to find a time and a place of its own. Otherwise,
devote a whole class meeting to this session – time permitting, of
course! – with each group working separately. This will involve writing
(in correct English) but also editing (what colours to use, how much
space will be devoted to illustrations, how much to text…) and
negotiating (with possible opinion clashes). The teacher’s role at this
stage is one of soft monitoring. Move from one group to another, giving
advice whenever necessary.
At this stage the work of each group is assessed by a board of
assessors (one from each group) chaired by the teacher, or by a student
elected by his peers. Make it informal however. The session starts with
the spokesperson of each group reporting to the class about the work
done and presenting the ‘product’ realised for appreciation. The same
operation is repeated for each group. The board of assessors will
eventually award the First Prize to the best project.
Naturally, the indications above should, by no means, be regarded as
gospel truth. It is up to you to adapt the pedagogical route which you
think to be the most suitable for your class.
Finally, it may be of interest for you to note that we have proposed
alternative projects, of a ‘lighter’ kind, designed for students who
want to work on their own, as well as pertinent and helpful websites
(to be complemented if need be).
VI. Conclusion

New prospects has been thought out in such a way as to instill in
learners ease and confidence in their communicative use of English. The
units of this coursebook offer a variety of activities reflecting
real-life situations and prompting the students to practise English in
creative ways. Their consolidation of skills, whether oral or written ,
is to be realised through a number of activities stemming from the
competency-based approach. The objectives of such activities are
clearly identified and explained at each stage of learning/teaching.

The tasks in question have cognitive aspects elaborated in accordance
with Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives. The surface levels
involve knowledge, comprehension and application while the deeper
levels of cognitive processing appeal to analysis, synthesis and
evaluation. Every unit contains a number of tasks which have been
designed to provide subject-matter knowledge, lower and high order
thinking skills, reading strategies and compositional skills. These
will enable the students to achieve proficiency in the three
competencies, namely interaction, comprehansion/interpretation and
At all events, we hope that this coursebook will be a pleasant
pedagogic tool, and a useful document to help our students in their
progress towards success at the Baccalauréat examination.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
طلاب البكالوريا شعبة اداب و فلسفة كل حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي موجودة هنا
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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 مواضيع مماثلة
» كتاب الأستاذ مع حلول الكتاب المدرسي للعلوم الفيزيائية شعبة آداب و فلسفة
» حلول جميع تمارين الكتاب المدرسي الأعداد المركبة (حلول أكثر من 160 مسألة و تمرين)
» حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي (كيمياء)
» للأدبيين فقط ، حلول تمارين الكتاب المدرسي
» حلول كتاب الرياضيات..شعبة العلوم التجريبية

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منتدى غارداية شبكة للتعليم نت :: منتدى التعليم الثانوي :: منتدى تحضير البكالوريا لجميع الشعب-
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