السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته .
أولا أردت فقط من خلال هاته الدروس مساعدة الزملاء في السنة الاولى في كتابة هاته الدروس فأتمنى أن اكون ساهمت ولو بجزء بسيط .
ثانيا و للأمانة ومن باب عدم نسيان الجميل فهاته الدروس كتبتها حرفيا من خلال الدروس المقدمة لنا من قبل الاساتذة الكرام .
أتمنى فقط أن يجد زملائي الطلبة فائدتهم وغايتهم المنشودة و الله الموفقINTRODUCTION TO LITERATURE
has played great roles in the preservation of the culture and national
identity of many nations in the world.Foreign language learners need to
take literature courses for more reasons than one.Actually the more you
read literature the more you fel you are a human .Oftentimes literature
can composite for the scante chance of visiting the country of the
language being studied.
In this lecture we intend to answer three
main questions .This is done on the premise that the more you know what
is meant by literature and its impact on us the more you are motivated
to study literature .
What is literature
derives from the latin word **littera**which is taken to mean and
individual written character (i.e.; letter ) .Broadly speaking the term
has to identity a collection of written texts it also refers to a
collection of stories poems and plays that revolve Oxford Advanced
Learners Dictionary defines literature as the body of writings that are
valued as works of arts especially fiction drama and poetry (as
constrasted with technical books and journalism ) dictionary is even
more precise in its definition which is couched in the following
statement works that are archived through oral or written means and
which are considrerd both informal and esthetic as well as ideological
or cultural.
What is the role of literature ?
modern times are characterized by three main features : evolution
,instability and the changing of values.Literature tries therefore to
mirror these incessante
Developments to remind us for our humanity
as well as of our very existence .It is related ti the life that we
lead and struggle with .It will then help us understand what goes
around us and will eventually urge us to bring the necessary reforms .
struggles to improve man’s social life to bring psychological
appeasement to this troubled mind and to establish justice and
freedomin a world of ruthless competition may be .
As far as
individuals are concerned literature can be quite handy .Linguistically
literature can help them master vocabulary grammar and the four
skills(listening reading speaking and writing ) culturally literature
can assist them understand the native speakers’ culture and compare it
to their own .Esthetically ,literature can develop individuals’
reflection and mature judgment .
What is the role of the writers ?
writer is someone who has some problem with his society .What he
produces is actually the fussion of his subjective life (his frame of
mind beliefs psychological make –up and educational background
And the objective life (what surrounds him :history
,traditions religion……) the good writer is the one who can
infiltratehis society and go deep into it depict ruthless phenomena
such as war ,poverty ,corruption ,injustice ,and materialism
,etc….serious writers answer three main questions: Why are these
phenomena around ? Why is life so? And what can be done ?